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91 High Street, Rayleigh SS6 7EJ

Charity Number 1159405

Rayleigh Town Museum

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Sponsorship image for Courts of Rayleigh Sponsorship image for Essex Clear Ears Sponsorship image for Adams, funeral directors Sponsorship image for EWS Legal


Image of Logo for Chiropractic Clinics Sponsorship image for Kirbys Coaches Sponsorship image for Palmers Solicitors Sponsorship image for Peak Sponsorship image for Rayleigh Computer Shop THE SPREAD EAGLE Sponsorship image for Stacey's Auctioneers

Pawnbrokers & Jewellers


Thank you to all our Museum Sponsors

We would like to thank them for their generous support and look forward to working with them in the future.

Rayleigh Town Council logo

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The Museum is entirely managed by volunteers and needs the support of our visitors and friends.  Why not become a sponsor and help secure the museum for future generations.

Clip art iamge for sponsorship Sponsorship image for Harmone Blinds of Rayleigh