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Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1159405

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91 High Street, Rayleigh SS6 7EJ

Charity Number 1159405

Rayleigh Town Museum

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1st Floor,

91 High Street,

Rayleigh SS6 7EJ

Opening Times


Friday & Saturday

10am - 4pm

FREE Entry to Museum

Access Lift Rayleigh Car Parks Street View

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Access & Additional Information

Number ‘91’ is the building that has 'Pizza Express' on the front.

The entrance is to the left of the building as shown by the arrow in the image above.

Disabled access is by our internal lift which is approved for Disabled/Wheelchair users. More information is available on a separate page, select here. You can also bring prams and pushchairs up in the lift.

If you are visiting us by car, we can provide you with details of all the car parks in Rayleigh by selecting here

If you would like any more details on our plans, or perhaps would like to make a donation please contact Mike Davies, our Chairman at 01268 785657

If you use the App WHAT 3 WORDS then you can locate us a

           what3words address: ///quarrel.scout.mute

Fully compliant platform lift, Phone/Braille.

Disabled toilet/wheelchair friendly.

Wheelchair and walking frame available.

Large print information/magnifying glasses

Hearing loop

Ramp within the museum, avoiding steps

Baby changing facilities.

Defibrillator on site - Evacuchair

VISIT Us - where we are located


Individual or Family

Become a “Friend of the Museum”


Disability Acess Information

Dementia Friendly signage

in the
